Amazon Verified Purchased
Review Service

Product reviews often make a buyer's decision to buy or not buy something from Amazon. Around 95% of buyers read product reviews before deciding to purchase a product. Let us help you get more attractive reviews for your product.

Amz Mastery provides Five-star product reviews with "verified purchased" badges in a safe way. We have an expert team who collects reviews from local buyers.

After placing the order you will get access to our project detail dashboard. Our reviewers will provide the order ID on their dashboard and it will automatically appear on your dashboard. After receiving an item, our reviewers will send us a photo of the product. We will tell them when to post reviews. After a review goes live, you'll see its title on your dashboard. You can track everything (payments, order IDs, and reviews) in one place.

You will receive a confirmation email with an invoice attached shortly after placing the order. We will provide you with our company bank account details, you will need to make a wire transfer and send us the sender's data (proof). If you are unable to make a wire transfer, you can request another payment method (credit card) via email. Credit/debit card payments will be processed through Stripe, Payoneer, and other credit card payment processors.

It completely depends on the number of reviews and the type of product. For 50 reviews, Kitchen/Electronics/Cosmetics/Pet products will take 15-20 days. For supplements, it can take up to 35 days. The duration also depends on the "Maximum Daily Purchase" you selected while placing the order. To know the exact deadline, please contact us.

Yes, we provide reviews for all Amazon markets. We have a web portal with 15k testers. But, we have a limit for each market, we can have only 2000 reviews for each products on Also for and, we can do a maximum of 700 reviews. Lastly for,, and we can do a maximum of 300 reviews.

We have a buyer forum with more than 15k+ testers and the number is growing day by day. We have a dedicated team that verifies and qualifies the buyers. We collect some confidential things from buyers like profile link, screenshots of their product purchase history, any statement/ID that can prove they are genuine, and local. By checking all these things we qualify a buyer if he can join our community or not.
Most importantly, our buyers are limited to posting 5-star reviews on Amazon and our dedicated team always monitors their profiles. If we see a buyer frequently posting 5-star reviews, we give him a warning or ban him from our community.
Also, there are lots of other things we follow to keep our community and service safe. This is why Amazon Mastery is one of the best review companies in the Amazon world.

Yes, Amz Mastery LTD is a registered company. And this is the only information we can provide with you. Since we provide 5-star product review service on Amazon, we need to keep us hidden and safe.


Amazon has the best AI detection algorithm that can detect any unusual activity in a millisecond. As we are doing reviews for several years our expert team know how to tackle it. While hiring a reviewer we check his review profile carefully (for example, how frequent he posts reviews, ranking, profile age, quality of reviews etc). We require our customers to use credit cards instead of gift cards to remain safe. We do not share any information of our clients with anyone for any reason.


We offer a replacement guarantee. After posting a review, if Amazon delete it within 60 days, we will be happy to return the commission or we will provide a free seller feedback and 1 Q&A with 5 helpful votes. Also, we can replace the review without taking any more commission but you need to provide the product cost again. But there is a little chance to get reviews removed by amazon because our buyers know how to purchase and post reviews in a safe way.


SFB-Search Find Buy is a method, which can boost the ranking of your product to the top page and boost your sales. We trained our buyers on how to search and find the correct product. After that, they add it to their cart. Within hours, they place the order. We don't share any ASIN/Link with our buyers, we only share the Keywords and screenshots. When they find the correct product they send us a screenshot to confirm the product, and after getting confirmation from our team they place the order.

Verified Review

The following pricing is our commission. You have to pay the cost of the product as well. We refund the product cost to our testers after completing the review. For any custom order (like, 25/37/66... reviews), please contact us.

10 Review

  • Multiple ASIN
  • Real & Aged Reviewer
  • Verified Purchase Review
  • Replacement Guarantee
  • Text & Image Review

20 Reviews

  • Multiple ASIN
  • Real & Aged Reviewer
  • Verified Purchase Review
  • Replacement Guarantee
  • Text & Image Review

50 Reviews

  • Multiple ASIN
  • Real & Aged Reviewer
  • Verified Purchase Review
  • Replacement Guarantee
  • Text & Image Review
  • 5 Free Seller Feedback

100 Reviews

  • Multiple ASIN
  • Real & Aged Reviewer
  • Verified Purchase Review
  • Replacement Guarantee
  • Text & Image Review
  • 10 Free Seller Feedback
Process Steps

How Projects Get Done

For your convenience, we highlighted here how the whole project gets done from both your end and our end. If you have any question about this process or want to know more details, please contact us via live chat or email.


Start a Project

To start a project, first, select a pricing plan and place the order. Please select the correct "Daily Purchase" from the list This refers to the maximum number of times a product will be purchased per day. If your product is newly launched, do not select more than "2". You must either open a new account or log into an existing account when placing an order. After placing the order, it will redirect you to a dashboard where you can view and manage your projects. The project status will be Pending/Unpaid until you complete the payment.


Complete Payment

Within minutes of placing an order, you will receive a confirmation email with an invoice attached. We will provide you with our company's bank account details, you will need to make a wire transfer and send us the sender's data (proof). If you are unable to make a wire transfer, you can request another payment method (credit card) via email. We will approve the order once the payment is credited to our account. The project status will be changed to "Active".


Order IDs & Reviews

After approval, your products will be posted on our personal portal where our reviewers will see it. Any interested buyer will book it and get 6 hours to place the order. If one does not provide an order id within 6 hours then his booking will be canceled. After providing an order id it will automatically appear on your dashboard. After receiving an item, our reviewers will send us a picture of the product. We will tell them when to post the review. After a review goes live, you will see its title/link on your dashboard.



After all purchases and reviews are completed, the project status will change to "Completed". After that, you can ask for any replacement or correction. Also, there is a message box on every project page. You can leave comments, messages or questions at any time.

Other Amazon Services

To order our other services, please contact us via email or live chat.

Amazon Product SEO/Ranking

When consumers buy a product on Amazon they only see the first or second page. For this reason, your product must appear on the first or second page with targeted keywords to get good sales. We will help you rank your products 100% safely.

Price: 300 EUR - 500 EUR (per keyword)


Amazon Seller Feedback

Amazon seller feedback is great at revealing how the seller behaves. Seller feedback helps to increase seller ranking. It also helps to get the "Buy Box" when multiple sellers sell on the same listing. We provide Amazon seller feedback with a permanent lasting guarantee.

Price: 5 EUR + product cost (per seller feedback)


Amazon Helpful Votes

Upvotes, or helpful votes, help to rank your product reviews as well as the product. We apply this to keep good reviews on the first page and remove bad reviews from the first page. It also helps prevent reviews from being deleted by Amazon

Price: 50 EUR (per 100 votes)